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Once upon a time,

there lived a young boy named Jack. He lived with his mother and three older brothers in a little old shack.

     Jack loved adventures and would go into the woods, looking for treasure or anything that he could.

     One day Jack went far into the woods, too far to turn back. His mother had warned him of doing things like that.

     “You could get lost, we would never find you. The giants would come, take you away, and eat you!”

     Jack didn’t listen, he kept on walking, until he heard someone coming, he heard them talking.

     Jack stood still, hiding behind a tree, he peaked around to see what it could be.

     Just when he did the giants saw him, he started to run, but Jack could not win.

     It only took two steps and the giants had him. He kicked and he screamed but no one heard him.

     Back in the little shack, his mother and brothers cried. They knew something was wrong. They knew for sure he had died.

     But there Jack was coming up with a plan, he needed some friends, he needed a hand.

     He heard of friendly giants, like you and me, that could help him get back to his family.

     There he had hidden in his sack, little seeds for planting and just like that…


     You could water them every day and help them grow so Jack can climb down, away from Fee, Fye, and Foe!

      Will you help Jack on this mission? It’s been many years and he’s still with them.

     He’s waiting on us to grow a plant tall enough to reach him, before the giants find him again and eat him!

Let’s help save Jack and get him back to his family!

Click the Feet

2nd Grade Plant Life Cycle Thematic Unit
Georgia Performance Standards
Lauren Caswell, M.Ed.
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