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Defeat Fye!

Step 1:                                    

Get your Mission 1 Check List


Watch the Peppa Pig "Gardening" Video.


Using the 5ws worksheet, write

     1) Who the story was about

     2) What the story was about

     3) When the story take place

     4) Why did it happen

     5) How the story ended

Step 4: Draw

What was your favorite part of the story? Draw a picture on the back of your 5ws worksheet.

Step 5:Your Name

Write your name on the back of your paper and turn it into the computer assignment basket.

Step 6: Computer Station 

Watch the video below.

Click on the feet to rest

Step 8: Get some rest

Check off mission 2 activities once you have completed them. Be sure to get some much needed rest!

Step 7: At your desk - Write a short story

After watching the story, you get to write one. You may work alone or with a partner. There are story boards you may use to organize your story. You will have more time to work on your story this week. Remember to include:

          *Main Idea

          *At least 3 supporting details

          *Setting and Plot



Englishg and Language Arts:

LAGSE 2SL2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from written texts read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.

Theatre Arts:

TAES2.2 Developing scripts through improvisation and other theatrical methods

b. Collaborates to generate story ideas

2nd Grade Plant Life Cycle Thematic Unit
Georgia Performance Standards
Lauren Caswell, M.Ed.
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